Frequently Asked Questions

  • What shipping options does Smart Delivery offer from the US to Kenya?

    Smart Delivery offers weekly air freight services from the US, catering to both personal and commercial shipping needs.

  • Does Smart Delivery provide door-to-door delivery in Kenya?

    Yes, we specialize in door-to-door air freight delivery from the US to various Kenyan destinations.

  • How long does it take for air freight to arrive in Kenya from the US?

    Air freight typically arrives in Kenya within 4-5 working days, including customs clearance.

  • Can Smart Delivery assist with commercial cargo needs?

    Absolutely, we support small and medium businesses in Kenya with efficient and cost-effective air freight solutions from the US.

  • Is round-the-clock service available for cargo collection and delivery?

    Yes, we offer 24/7 cargo collection and delivery, ensuring competitive rates for all deliveries to Kenya.